23 September 2016

More Amazon Goodness

So, I had an Amazon seller cancel an order on me without wasting time letting me know. Groovy. Now I can return the parts that I ordered to go with the cancelled equipment.

In exchange, Amazon continues to amaze with suggestions. The other day, it offered up Paradise Lost as a "Children's Book." Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a screen shot of that, because it was particularly memorable. If I had to think of a way to turn a kid away from reading, I'd be hard pressed to think of a better choice.

Today's suggestions aren't as good, but there are a few worth noting. First of all, in the reference department, we have that fire safety manual:

Next is Amazon demonstrating that all electromagnetic waves should be treated equally, regardless of frequency:

If you happen to be a particularly funny photographer, you'll definitely want a copy:

I have nothing to add that can improve upon this:

When my kids were little, we occasionally had a bath bomb. I might pick these up for nostalgia's sake:

I suspect that Amazon is trying to tell me something about being particularly dim:

I've been trying to avoid current events lately, but these seem to be taking it a bit too far:

In order to be prepared if your Tesla runs out of power four inches from the outlet:

Once again, I can literally think of nothing that would add to the spectacular nature of this selection. There are at least three completely different forms of humor on display here:

While I suppose that asphyxiation could be used to kill wild game, how do you get a live trout into a vacuum freezer bag, let alone a deer?

If you ignore the title, the subtitles are a pretty good description of teenagers, given my experience at raising two of them:

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