13 July 2016


So, an old friend sent an email the other day, saying that he had received an advertising message from his company's AutoCad distributor that had the subject: Trochoidal Grooving Training with Sandvik Coromant.

Said friend went on to report that he certainly didn't read the message, because it was more fun to contemplate what the content might be than it would be to know what it actually was. After an afternoon of thought, his best guess was that it is an offer for "a class for some new death metal dance craze utilizing a trochar and taught by some Scandinavian Euro-trash instructor wearing a dead sea bird on his head."

I considered that to be a perfectly fine explanation and would have been quite happy to complement him upon it, if he did not proceed to end his e-mail with a challenge to top him.

And that is where things started to go wrong.

As my family and friends will tell you, I have an over-developed competitive streak and so I proceeded to expend an hour or so of my life writing a suitable response. Upon completion, it occurred to me that it would make a darn fine entry in Wikipedia.

Rather than doom some lazy high school student by providing source material even more bogus than usual for a term paper, I've decided to add a category of posts to this blog, to be tagged "Wakipedia". They'll be inspired by the spam that slips into my inbox, the self-spoofing headlines that appear everywhere, and in the random comments that are heard in passing.

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