04 February 2006

The Creation Story

In the beginning the universe was a simple place, without distinctions such as matter and energy, good and evil, and Republican and Democrat. Modern physics tells us that this period of rationality lasted roughly one billionth of a billionth of a femtosecond, which is about how long it takes to realize that you just ran a stop sign right in front of a cop, and then someone dropped the universe and it shattered into countless fragments, none of which fit together. Science, which feels obligated to give everything a name, refers to this as symmetry breaking.

Broken symmetry has a lot to answer for. It's responsible for the fact that the visible universe is comprised almost entirely of matter, and not anti-matter. It is the reason that gauge bosons have mass (thus distinguishing between the weak and the electromagnetic forces). And, most troubling of all, it explains why people have a morbid fascination with which celebrities are sleeping together.

This blog is dedicated to broken symmetry and all of its effects. It's a place for random fragments to come together and just possibly restore a bit of order to the universe.